Monday, February 09, 2004

I just got off the phone with another recruiter, one I had never heard from. They have a job for me, one that's good paying and starts immediately. They ask me a few questions, which I answer, and then they start telling me what the job they have is like. Everything thing sounds great, wonderful, lovely until they get to a certain part of the description and I'm like "uh oh." And so I ask.

Yep, it's the same agency that I went through all that rigamorale on Friday. And in August. And a couple of years ago. They're still looking for someone and they have like every recruiter looking into filling the position and every recruiter is calling me and despite the fact they really need somebody and every recruiter wants to send me in there, they still won't hire me.

God damnit, just hire me. Get it over with. I won't suck. I swear. Just allow me a few days to get up to speed and I can do it. It's not that hard. And you know how earlier I said it's like everyone's trying to set me up with the same girl who keeps on rejecting me? Now it's like it's a day before the Prom and there's only one girl who still doesn't have a date and everyone's like "go with him...go with him...go with him...." and she's still saying no. She'd rather go dateless than go with me.


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