Tomorrow's the big day, the world premiere of the "Star Wars" for the Evangelical set, "The Passion of Christ." I wonder if it'll be just like a "Star Wars" premiere. Are people sleeping out for tickets right now? Will people dress in character? And you know how in the "Lord of the Rings" flicks everyone cheered when Aragorn and Legalos first appear? Will people cheer at the first appearance of Jesus? Of their favorite disciple? Or will they only cheer if they have somebody as good looking as Viggo or Orlando Bloom was playing Mark or John?
I can't wait to see the "Passion of Christ" Happy Meal tie in with McDonalds.
Actually, I hear the movie's quite similar to "Star Wars" in that everyone's favorite scene is when God tells Jesus that he's His son during a light saber fight. I also hear that Danny Glover does a really good job playing Luke, an old Disciple whose about to retire and who constantly tells Jesus that he's "getting to old for this shit."
From the reviews of the movie, it actually sounds kind of brutal. Lots of ultra-violence and gore, which is kind of weird considering those are the same people who keep on ranting about movie violence and gore. It's even weirder when you hear that the background music to the scene where Pilate is giving Jesus the thirty-nine lashes is Steel Wheel's "Stuck in the Middle of You."
Actually, I do have to admit that I kind of want to see it. I'm just not sure if I should. And it's not just because from what I hear, the Jews look only slightly less sinister than Orcs (oh wait, Jesus was Jewish, so nevermind). It's just that all the blowhards on Fox and have basically said that if you don't see the movie and/or see it and don't like it, you're a scum-sucking, secularist, communist elitist who probably doesn't care if Gay people get married. Then there's all the Evangelicals who are claiming that the movie is a really good thing for when they do "outreach"- ie something to show poor starving African children before they feed them. Or try and convert the Jews.
And finally, is there any singing in this movie?
"Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ Superstar,
Do you think you're what they say you are?"
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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