Monday, August 26, 2002

I said a hip hop a hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
a rock to the bang bang boogy say upchuck the boogy,
to the rhythm of the boogity beat.

Saw a whole new bad name today, a poor kid with the name Jihad Jamal.


First of all, unless Jihad has another, much nicer definition, the kid is basically named "Holy War Jamal." Not exactly a nice, tranquil sounding name. No Slayer Mendoza, but up there. Wonder what the parents were thinking when they decided to name their kid that. "Hey, Jihad is a great sounding name and the dumb Americans will never know we've named the kid after something that people use as an excuse to blow things up." It's like naming the kid "Holocaust Hans" or '"Slaughter of the Armenian's by Turkey During WWI Kassabian."

Throw in the whole 9/11 thing and you got one caught who'se gonna be changing his name to Joe Smith real fast.

Umm sorry. Very sun-fried and tired today......

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