-Somehow cut myself shaving. On my hand. Have no idea how but all I know is that I reached over to grab a towel and felt an owie between my thumb and pointer finger
-Got a three day temp job doing filing downtown. Good to see that I've moved up from using my expertise in counting and writing down numbers to alphabetizing. The Temp Agency even told me if I do a good job, they have lots of work for me, just like this job. I'm psyched.
-Something's up with my remote control so that while I can punch in a number for a channel over 100, I can't do it for a channel under 100. That means if say I'm watching VH-1(channel 44) I can't just flip it to Fox (channel 2), but can for HBO (channel 565). I have to go into the Guide, click through all the channels, and hit the channel I want when it comes up. While not a big deal, this is kind of a pain in the ass for those of us who are itinerant channel flippers.
-Suck ass phone is sucking ass even more than normal and as a result, two job related phone calls sounded like I was calling somebody from Albania.
-Turns out the Jason Alexander Britney married was not George Costanza. (side note- what's the over-under for Britney being in rehab by the end of '04? Or '05? We're looking at an all-time great flame-out, folks).
-Lo-flo toilet is turning more and more into a No-Flush toilet
-My brilliant pyramid scheme to pay for this month's finances has collapsed spectacularly due to Unemployment screwing me over yet again over a check. Note to Government- look I realize that there's deficit's everywhere and you have to make up for it somehow, but maybe you should have thought about that before you slashed taxes, got rid of car fees, or vowed to never ever raise taxes.
In other words, on the fifth day of the New Year, everything returned to normal.
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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