Saturday, March 27, 2004

Okay sports fans- grab the kiddies, get some popcorn and gather round the computer as it's Crazy Interview Time:

This is about an interview I had on Tuesday. I actually wrote up the whole story but as it's four pages I figured that nobody would read the whole thing. Hell, if I were you, I wouldn't read the whole thing. Instead, I'm just going to go to the highlights:

First, some background:

This is for a database admin posting that I sent my resume in for in hopes I'd get something to tide me over until I get a real job. The company is a personnel agency that basically hires scab nurses to replace striking nurses.

-Get handed application to fill out. Notice that they ask on it what Elementary School I went to. Begin to think maybe this job is a little below my skill level. What does that even matter? Am I not going to get a job because I went to a public school? How would they even know? I went to Elementary School in Wayne Pa, fer crissakes. Is there a US News and World Report listing for Elementary Schools? And I love how they always ask what courses you took. While this might be appropriate for college, what does it matter for High School? And if High School doesn't matter, how would Elementary School? What should I even put there? Reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic''?

-Interview begins. Overly caffienated and overly stressed person who is interviewing me asks me to tell me about myself. A couple of minutes into it, she tells me that she has a big conference call and that she has to stop the interview there. She also tells me that I have really great skills on my resume and that she's sure I'd be fine on the job.

-She then asks me to print out a report. I think it's a test. Turns out that, no, she really wants the report. Not only that, they don't know how to generate the report but am hoping I can figure out how. Spend about ten minutes with all the kids in the office trying to figure out how to do it and how to figure out a way of getting the information without running a report. About five minutes into it realize "hey, wait a minute" and that I probably shouldn't be doing all of this for them. Homey shouldn't be playing this.

-Next person I interview with tells me that everyone who starts at the company has to start off in the Call Center. It's how everyone learns all the ins and outs of the company. She then hands me the Call Center script and asks me to read it for her. Spend all my energy trying not to give her that "are you kidding me?" scowl that was lurking beneath my blank expression. Begin to figure out just what my level of desperation is and whether it means I should read the script.

-Read the script, not doing as well as I could (having done Telemarketing once, I know how to do Call Center. I did not give them 110% percent as they say). Am then given ten-minute explanation of various types of nursing licenses. I so don't care.

-Am then told that she has a very important meeting, that the interview was over, and that I have a great background and that I'd be great in this position, blah, blah, blah.

As I leave, I realize that I don't really want the job. In fact, more like I really don't want the job. Not one bit.

So naturally, I get it. Well, kind of. I got a job in the Call Center. So I call to find out what the deal is and what about the database job and haven't heard back from them

Now I know I need a job and I know having steady income, but that job so reeks of "I have a bad feeling about this."

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