Monday, March 29, 2004

Today was my last day at the Temp Job. Or, at least I think it was. I'm not exactly sure. I finished all of my assigned tasks but my supervisor was, of course, not there, so I'm not really sure what's up. I even called his cell phone to find out what the deal was, but I never heard back from him.

Although I kind of liked it there, I was getting the feeling that I was there a little to long. I was such a recognized person there that this morning I got cornered by an employee who wanted to share her amazement at the growing up of another employee's children. This despite the fact I don't know said employee. Or cared.

The crazy thing about today was that I knew around 11 or so that I was going to finish up my project fairly early, like around lunch time. This, of course, created a dilemna in that the quicker I finished up, the earlier I was able to go home and considering I was already there, I didn't really want to go home early. I'se need the money. Plus, with the supervisor not there, I couldn't get my time sheet signed. So naturally, I took a longer lunch than normal and did a little bit more Web surfing than I usually do (actually, when I was there, I just quickly checked my e-mail and maybe occasionally scanned a news site- I never really played that much online. I swear). Other than a few items to be entered, I was pretty much done around 2 and went off to the Temp Agency to ask what I should do. Their suggestion was to finish everything up, give my supervisor a call, and then hang out to the end of the day. Which meant, basically, that my Temp Agency gave me permission to spend the rest of the afternoon surfing the Web. Which I did.

Hey, they said I could.

Oh, and a funny thing that happened was that at some point that afternoon, I decided I needed to use the time and printer to print out my roster for my upcoming Fantasy Baseball Draft. I selected the printer I thought was closest to me only to realize that the printer I selected was actually that of the Manager. After printing it out, I walked by his office and noticed that yes, lying in the printer behind him was my roster.


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