Wednesday, September 04, 2002

I think I mentioned this before, but if you do have a big interview coming up, make sure to get some sleep. I'm averaging about three to four hours of sleep over the past couple of nights and can barely do data entry today. How I'm gonna make it through a grueling hour to two hour long interview with four different people for a job I'm not exactly qualified for when I can't even type in a bunch of names, I don't know. Not to mention having to make it through the big Fantasy Football Draft. After all, I just got all my new clothes dry-cleaned in an attempt to look sharp yet nothing takes away from that sharp look like huge honking bags under the eyes.

I actually was getting some pretty good sleep last night, until I woke up at 4:30 in the morning from a nightmare in which I was in the middle of the draft and realized I had drafted only QB's and WR's and there were no good RB's left. Then I started to realize that considering the fact that I'm under the gun job-wise and really, really close to finding out whether or not Faulkner's adage about you can never go home again is true, I should probably worry about other things than if I have too many QB 's high up on my draft card. This meant more hours of sleep in which I kept on having dreams in which I was playing friends but kept on having this strange feeling that I had forgotten something really important, that I was supposed to be at work right now, and that I was seriously screwed. I love those dreams.

So, basically, I have to hope that two cups of coffee and listening to Fu Manchu really loudly will do the trick and get my mind firing. Must think Direct Mail....must think direct mail....

And as if I dont' have enough to worry about, the Sports Guy on also mentioned the whole Javon
Walker/Brett Favre connection and warned people away from picking Terry Glenn, someone who I had high on my draft board. He also voiced my feeling that there's some serious bad mojo brewing in Raiderland and that I should stay away from drafting any of the Silver & Black, which is something my gut has been telling me, but I put Gannon and Brown high up on my draft card. Now what do I do?

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