Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Yes, I watched the first episode of the Real World Las Vegas. Where the hell do they get these people? In the immortal words of Bart Simpson "We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little."

Anyways, since Blogger is all wonky, here's a couple of funny columns I recommend. I can't post anything big because, well, it's not like anyone can get onto the site right now.

Jon Carroll of the Chron, who I like despite the fact it's totally unhip to like, has a really brilliant piece on the social construct of the men's room. As all us men know, the men's room has many ancient traditions that somehow silently gets passed from generation to generation.

An odd occurrence at the porcelain palace

Here's a great piece in the SF Weekly that makes fun of your average free alternative weekly (which it is, but nevermind, like my favorite rag, the Bay Guardian. Basically, any column that somehow manages to make nasty comments about Mumia, Burning Man and DJ's all at the same time gets a big thumbs up from me.

Project Censored
Lefty weeklies are always bitching about the mainstream press. Here're some rotten chestnuts we wish the alternative press would quit serving up.

Oh my God, somebody's pitching to Bonds. Wait, it's a strike out. I think Barry's so juiced whenever somebody pitches to him that he's getting a little too eager. Like a guy who hasn't gotten any in a long, long time thinking he's finally about to score.

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