So I started to watch the big California debate today, but started to get a headache after a few minutes and turned to the Phillies/Marlins game. I love Arianna, but damn, that girl can get annoying. As usual, in watching the post-debate spin, it looks like Arnie's getting the Bush Bell Curve Treatment- the "wow he did great" comment based mainly on the fact he was able to speak in coherent sentences without drooling. Can he please stop with the "Terminator" jokes, though? It's worth voting against him just so we don't have to put up with four years of "Terminator" jokes.
Oh yeah, somebody on CNN pointed this out- while everyone's talking about the McClintock/Arnie problem and how one is taking votes away from the other, the same thing is happening on the other side. The polls are close enough that it looks like it's completely possible that the Green party is going to do it again, making the rest of us have to suffer through a bonehead Republican Government because those twits are too stupid to realize what they're doing. I say, if Arnie wins because of the stupid Greens, us Democrats get to make all the Greens who voted that way run the Gauntlet. You know, have us Democrats line up in a row and have one of the patchouli reeking hippies crawl underneath us while we smack the shit out of them.
That should teach them a lesson.
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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